I dont post much in the tc forums but i had a good chuckle how it was a read only post. LoL, Tia i think your right about them not wanting to hear your comments. By making it a read only, was as if they gave you the ammo to fire back, but they didnt allow you to have the gun.
But on a more serious note.....denial is not just a river in Egypt, since when?? lol.
talkcity is such a small fish in this lake. it is crazy that they would force people to move off their site to play or do anything. I think they will attract new users and a new group and they will make their ways in and out of their doors. Like anything. there are many comparisons we could all have explaining what we think their changes will become . I think we all know... I do think it is funny that post is a read only. . I paid my 7.77 for about 5 years now. I am going to be in las vegas for the ridicathon. I know where there is a bar that gives wi/fi . I am going to drink and play there .
I just noticed that there is a "new" topic on the TC forum....regarding the "new games". Funny how it is a "read only" folder. Guess they don't want us to comment anymore. Again, oh well.
Am so glad so many of us are here now. I will continue to do whatever I can to contact all I have met in Ridic......
Looking forward to a great and crazy future with all the TC refugees~
The DizzyKlutzy Ridbartender and Soon-To-Be Kabob Specialist