I had soooo much fun last night - it was great seeing everyone, sad i missed a few people. I'm really glad I found out about this forum before it was too late! xx
I just have to say that last night was so awesome! It was amazing to see so many people back in Ridic together, and the vibe was just like the old days. I hope nights like that will be a common occurence on the new server! I think last night showed that we can still get back to how things used to be, both with the amount of people playing, and with everyone having a great time and feeling included. It was so cute to see Kevin2101 all excited and not wanting to leave even though it was 5am for him... it reminded me of all of us so many years ago when we first started to fall in love with Ridic and the people and couldnt bear to drag ourselves out of the room. :)
Thanks to everyone who showed up last night for making it a really great night. Been a long time since I laughed AND cried in Ridic at the same time, hehe! Let's keep it going on the new server and make all the hard work by Kenrick worth it! See y'all there!! :)
hi just to say how sad i am that the best game of all is closein down we will miss it bye ridic RIP
closing down as far as TC goes...but not going away... Kenrick has a new server for us...which should be ready to go Monday....TC can evict us but they cannot kill the games!!
I will be there!! Shelster, bring your blender for frogaritas. Alanahhh could provide the chips and "salso". Froggy could make the main course.......but I doubt anyone wants "gavy" or burnt lasagna. Maybe Tiaaaaaaaa should bring kabobs just in case.
I hope Shelster will be streak.........errrrrrrr.......I mean streamin! See everyone there!!
Am bringing my new kabob cookbook.....and some of the bottles of Bacardi I hid from Shel lol...shhhh its a secret lmao I wuvs Shel to death buttttttttttt dont wanna see her streak.....maybe we could join up and make her snort and lose her place instead LOL
I will be there!! Shelster, bring your blender for frogaritas. Alanahhh could provide the chips and "salso". Froggy could make the main course.......but I doubt anyone wants "gavy" or burnt lasagna. Maybe Tiaaaaaaaa should bring kabobs just in case.
I hope Shelster will be streak.........errrrrrrr.......I mean streamin! See everyone there!!